Yesterday we looked at the “today” aspect of daily bread. Today, let us look at the “bread” aspect.

Bread was a major food for Israel. They served bread likely with every meal. It was the stuff of regular life, like breathing. It represents what is necessary to get by.

Not fancy houses, new cars, vacations, games, fun, entertainment, popular restaurants… No. Just breathing. All the other stuff, the stuff that most of us work for, fret over, concentrate on, that stuff is not bread! Why do we live beyond the promises? If we eat, breathe, sleep… Is it not enough? What do you need to be happy? Does it take more than daily bread?

If so, if we spend our days busying ourselves with work and worry about more than bread… We need to repent! Where is our heart? Our eyes? Are we really going to spend our minutes today working for more than bread? Who do we think we are?

Is it sin to have cars, houses, vacations, entertainment? No… So long as God gives it as His gift to bless us, and we don’t work to achieve it. We work to please Him, to do His will and be content in His good pleasure. If He blesses beyond bread, great! If not, are we still content?

So often we see these saying and principles in scripture, they sound great, we repeat them, but do we take them to heart? Have you prayed for more than bread? Have you spent time worrying about loosing more than bread? Why?

Peace is found when we learn to be content pleasing our Father in heaven and knowing that bread is enough! Praying for peace MEANS we pray for God to purify our hearts, to rid us of the desire for more than daily bread. And if He takes away the vacations, the entertainment, the dining out, the new car, the new house, do we still thank Him for answering our prayer?

Examine your heart more than your bank account. Examine your motives. Ask God to reveal to you any selfish worldly desire for more than bread…

If you dare walk in peace.

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